Category: XenDesktop

Load Balancing Citrix StoreFront with Azure Load Balancer

Sometimes there is a requirement to Load Balance StoreFront using a method other than NetScaler. Although rare (in my experience!) this does occasionally happen when NetScaler is perhaps not being used for Remote Access –  in an internal only environment for example. In this post I will explain how to Load Balance StoreFront using the native Azure Load Balancers. We […]

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GSLB for NetScaler Gateway across Azure Locations

In this post I’ll be going through how I have configured GSLB for NetScaler Gateway in Azure, and the various elements required for this type of configuration. Firstly – I began by setting up the background infrastructure to demonstrate this test. Namely, 2x Active Directory DCs within two Azure Locations (Eastern US (EUS), and South Central US (SCUS)). These were […]

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Citrix Workspace Environment Management – Process Management

After testing out the excellent CPU and Memory management features in Citrix Workspace Environment Management (WEM), I wanted to blog about how processes can be controlled using the software. Prior to starting this test, I have a basic Citrix XenDesktop environment configured, a WEM environment configured, and the relevant group policies in place to support this. To prevent processes from […]

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Citrix Connection Quality Indicator

Overview Connection Quality Indicator is a new tool from Citrix designed to inform and alert the user to network conditions that may affect the quality of the Session they are using.  Information is provided to the end user via a notification window which can be controlled using Group Policy. Installation is supported on the following platforms: See for more […]

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Citrix PVS – NTFS vs ReFS 2012R2 vs ReFS 2016

I’ve been doing some work recently around Citrix Provisioning Services, and this has prompted me to investigate what new features are available in version 7.11. One that stood out to me was the support for Microsoft’s Resilient File System (ReFS) on Windows Server 2016. This file system is interesting for those with virtualized environments due to the extra speed enhancements […]

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Citrix Workspace Environment Management – Memory Management

After testing out the excellent CPU management features in Citrix Workspace Environment Management (WEM), I wanted to test out how well it handled applications that were particularly greedy with RAM consumption. To start – I have a single Windows Server 2012R2 Session Host, with 4GB of RAM, and a single vCPU, running on vSphere: Limitations for this VM have been […]

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