Tags: Workspace Environment Management

Citrix Workspace Environment Management – IO Management

I’ve been blogging a lot this year on the merits of Citrix Workspace Environment Management (WEM) and the various features it provides. Another feature is I/O Priority – which enables us to manage the priority of I/O operations for a specified process: To demonstrate this, I am going to run IOMeter (a storage testing tool – that consumes, but also […]

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Citrix Workspace Environment Management – Process Management

After testing out the excellent CPU and Memory management features in Citrix Workspace Environment Management (WEM), I wanted to blog about how processes can be controlled using the software. Prior to starting this test, I have a basic Citrix XenDesktop environment configured, a WEM environment configured, and the relevant group policies in place to support this. To prevent processes from […]

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Citrix Workspace Environment Management – Memory Management

After testing out the excellent CPU management features in Citrix Workspace Environment Management (WEM), I wanted to test out how well it handled applications that were particularly greedy with RAM consumption. To start – I have a single Windows Server 2012R2 Session Host, with 4GB of RAM, and a single vCPU, running on vSphere: Limitations for this VM have been […]

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